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2005-08-12 - 9:45 a.m.

Hello lovely loveypies

I just got back from swimming and am suitably apaled at my stamina these days. And also... since when did swimming hurt your fingers??? I used to be on the swimming team and I have my three mile distance badge - WHY DO MY FINGERS FEEL LIKE THEY'RE FALLING OFF??!!?

I mean have I forgotten something?

I dunno

Anyway... yeah Im home now with my wet chlorine filled hair slicked to my hair in a pony tail (the photos in this entry are NOT from today haha) I love swimming I love the way the water feels. I HATE baths.. because the water is hot but give me cool water any day (incidentally that�s my signature perfume too haha) I just love being in water it�s so soft and supporting and light and protective and.. yeah I love water me!

I have my new glasses on though I think the right lens needs adjusting slightly

Either that or it's just taking my eyes time to get used to them... it's disgusting how blind I must be HAHA

Even Gareth.. who has always worn glasses put mine on and said "WOW.. everything�s huge" haha. They're only really to use for things like driving reading sitting at the computer and watching TV.

I don't have to wear them all of the time thankfully.

Why are glasses so expensive?? I wanted to cry when I had to pay for them.. I mean.. just NO!! If people NEED glasses they shouldn't have to pay extortionate prices for them. Like sanitary towels... WHY AREN'T THEY CHEAPER?? HMMM??

haha I don't really care so much because we're managing for money now it's more a cash flow thing until my first months wages go in.

Enola is an angel I love her she is getting the hugest package of love in the universe when we finish getting bits for it HAHAHA... just waiting for the wages




not because she sends me things I love her anyway... but still


(that sounded like I meant my breasts or something... I didn't.. though you're welcome to sneak a peek if you like... I think we've reached that stage of our relationship!!)

Also Gareth bought me flowers again.. he�s great as a house wife he�s just like evolved or something I love it!!

x x x

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