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2005-09-16 - 5:54 p.m.

Ok so you know what? Kittens are impossible to take good photo's of! No honestly they can be lying perfectly still in the most heart helting pose ever and the second you even think of taking a photo... they go fleeing across the room to play again.

I have about a zillion blurry photo's or pictures of the floor where I've aimed it at a kitten but it's rolled out of shot.

I even tried holding them still but then they just look really sad in the photo!

Alas... these offerings are the best I have and I hope they will suffice. Just know that what you see here is only a fraction of their true cuteness.

I had a really downy-sad kinda day today - not sure why but it didn't help that at lunch time a car full of boys (and we're not talking charva's these were well dressed young men - ali would have fancied them) slowed their car right down behind me and yelled


out of the window.. I continued to ignore them and as they pulled away I heard the one nearest the window say to the driver

"she's fucking hideous"

now let me just say before everyone tries to reassure me that I'm not fat, don't have a large arse etc.. DON'T!! I DO have a large arse it's genetic and I know it's true as does everyone who's seen it in the flesh (actual flesh for a lucky few haha) I don't mind that so much it's always been big and I'm ok with that! What I don't like it that they felt they needed to make me feel bad. There is no way they can have thought for a minute that shouting that would do anything other than make me feel shit. I judt don't get it.. why would you do that on purpose? It makes no sense to me. I mean fine yeah turn to the person next to you if you must and say

"my god that's a whopper of a bum"

if you must but any form of making other people feel bad ON PURPOSE makes no sense to me.

Can you help me? I mean.. is it pleasureable to do that? Because if I made someone feel bad I'd feel so guilty I'd probably cry more than them in the end.

Humans confuse me. I do believe that all people are good and that they deserve love but sometimes I'm at a loss to understand them.

See now before you go thinking I handled it so well.... this is how I feel now.. after hours of calming down. haha I have PMT remember and I damn near smackdowned said FAT ARSE onto the bonnet of his car to leave him with a lasting memory of it!


sorry.. I'm sure they were very nice boys with troubled lives that fully excuse their behaviour maybe a fat arser hurt them as a baby or something! It's ok I forgive you your insult you nasty little-dicked prick faced shit eating mongrels of humanity!

*hugs all round*

hahahah oh dear. I do try to be kind to everyone but the long burried ANGRY-MOO of my teenage years is hard to surpress at times.

you needed worry though because once I love you you're automatically saved from it.

You are safe

and loved

and welcome

have a hug


and because I love you here is the funniest thing I've seen all day.. I SWEAR TO GOD I didn't phtoshop it.. look at his face... hahahah I damn near pissed in my pants!! funny little boy!

and now.. off to cry at Ali - I'll be back!

x x x

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